Best Ever Potato Kugel

1-on-1 Consultation Package

Work 1-1 with Intuitive Eating expert Gila Glassberg, on why you eat the way you eat.Unpack your diet culture and learn to highlight belief systems that you no longer want.Gain tools to truly listen to your body cues; Whether it’s the physical cue of hunger or the emotional cue of loneliness.
Plan Level:
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  • Level 1 ($397 per month)

    • 2 private coaching calls per month ( x 3 months)  with a check in form for accountability.
  • Level 2 ($597 per month)

    • 4 private coaching calls per month (x 3 months) with a check in form for accountability.
  • Both Levels Include:
    • Virtual and phone appointments available
    • Access to me via email or text between appointments
    • Helpful resources sent out between sessions
    • Tools and resources:
    • Journeling exercises
    • Recordings
    • Meal planning resources
    • My very own Intuitive Eating Workbook

Work 1-1 with Intuitive Eating expert Gila Glassberg, on why you eat the way you eat. Unpack your diet culture and learn to highlight belief systems that you no longer want.

Gain tools to truly listen to your body cues; Whether it’s the physical cue of hunger or the emotional cue of loneliness. Appreciate all foods! And learn what foods truly satisfy you. Once you can tap into that, you will be able to enjoy your eating experience, and MOVE ON!

Create your own, tailored self-care plan that you can use to help you in any area of life, whether its food, body image or anything else!

Identify the voices in your head and understand if it is your food police or your nutrition anthropology. Once you do this, you will be able to challenge the food police and learn the art of reframing your thoughts.

Together, we will fine tune your coping mechanisms which may sometimes include emotional eating but now you will have a brand-new tool kit to help you navigate life’s pains and challenges.

Develop the self-care tools of respecting your one and only beautiful body, practicing joyful movement and gentle nutrition. Finally, you will be ready to make peace with food!

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