Best Ever Potato Kugel

Webinar With Gila Glassberg and Blimie Heller

How to create and cultivate a healthy food atmosphere in the home.

This webinar was recorded live on March 18, 2024.

You can watch it an unlimited number of times from all your devices.

Gila Glassberg
Registered Dietitian and Intuitive Eating Counselo

Blimie Heller

Parenting Coach at Unconditional parenting

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  • Are you trying to feed your kids healthy food but all they want is junk?
  • Are you struggling with your own relationship with food and you need guidance?
  • Are you sick of the power struggles you are facing daily with your children at meal time?
Look no further.

Blimie Heller - of Unconditional Parenting and I, Gila Glassberg, have partnered up to teach you a whole new way to look at feeding your children and creating a peaceful atmosphere around food for everyone in your household, including, and most importantly, YOU.

We explain the gold standard of feeding- the division of responsibility and responsive feeding, while also answering your live questions.

You will get access to a very user-friendly handout to help reinforce what you learn from this workshop. I know these concepts may be new to you but I also know that they can change your life! 

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