Webinar With Gila Glassberg | Dispelling Diet Myths
We know diets don’t work - but do you know WHY they don’t work?
In this webinar, you will understand why these diets don’t work and how Intuitive Eating can be the answer to your dieting whoas. We will explore the most common dieting myths that we've all been convinced are true and finally move past the hold dieting has on us.Speaker: Gila Glassberg : Registered Dietitian and Intuitive Eating Counselor
This webinar was recorded live on July 17th, 2024. You can watch it an unlimited number of times from all your devices after purchase.
This webinar was recorded live on July 17th, 2024. You can watch it an unlimited number of times from all your devices after purchase.

Have you been dieting all your life? Have you been told over and over again that you should lose weight? Have you felt inferior to people around you because you feel you are not an ideal weight?
AND - HAVE YOU HIT DIET ROCK BOTTOM? Well- if you have, you are in the right place!
Watch this pre-recorded webinar to debunk so many of the dieting myths out there. And you may be wondering - how can I give up dieting? And if not dieting - what else should I do to promote my health?
Well- that is where intuitive eating comes in. Intuitive eating is a set of guidelines that help one to feel confident and comfortable with their eating. We take away the guilt and shame around eating and really learn to tap into your body's natural hunger and fullness cues.
Instead of feeling hopeless and now about your body, you will be given tools to help you feel confident and empowered about your food and body!
About The Speaker:
Gila Glassberg is a Master's level registered dietitian and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. She uses a non-diet, weight-neutral approach to help growth oriented women break out of chronic dieting, and regain clarity into what is really important to them.