Best Ever Potato Kugel

Self Care and Balance

Navigate the challenges of senior year with our self-care strategies. Learn to balance college applications and daily responsibilities using our holistic approach – the "self-care wheel." Empower your seniors to thrive during this crucial stage.
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In response to a request from a local high school, I've been approached to shed light on the challenges faced by their senior students.

The final year of high school is undeniably demanding, with the added stress of college applications alongside regular academic and personal responsibilities.

Recognizing the need for a holistic approach, I've coined the term "self-care wheel" to encapsulate the comprehensive well-being strategies essential for navigating this pivotal stage in a teenager's life.

Join me in exploring effective ways to impart these crucial self-care skills to your seniors, ensuring they not only survive but thrive during this transformative period.

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