What are you not accepting in your life?

What are you not accepting in your life?

AsSometimes, not accepting the things we need to be in our lives is what causes us the most pain.

I had an interesting conversation with a friend recently; I said I was frustrated in my business. Unfortunately, I did not accept what is.

She took a deep breath and said, "What you want is a diet. You want a quick fix. Creating a business, working on a business, and growing a business takes work. A lot of work. And sometimes, we don't get the results we are looking for."

This got me thinking.

We want to control G-d so badly. Consequently, when we see a diet advertised and it says "lose 20 pounds in 20 days by following our method," we almost immediately buy in.

Unfortunately, what it comes down to is that we don't have control. No matter how much we want to believe we do, WE DON'T. This reality hurts. It hurts really badly. As a result, when we feel out of control, we feel so uncomfortable.

Intuitive eating has helped me to accept this lack on control.

You can eat everything "perfectly" and still not be a size 2. As well, you can try to run your business according to every perfect business trick, and still not have a successful business. The only thing we control is our efforts. And the more we focus on efforts, the more efforts we put in.

The more we focus on results, the more frustration, pain and anxiety we feel. When we do our effort, and let go, we are liberated from the pain we are causing ourselves. This is called acceptance.

What are you not accepting in your life that is causing you so much pain?


If you are interested in making peace with food through the principles of Intuitive Eating and the practices of self care, go ahead and schedule a free call via my website. You can work with me one on one or sign up to be in one of my intuitive eating online support groups via Zoom.