Corn Flake Chili Lime Shnitzel (Chicken Fingers)

Corn Flake Chili Lime Shnitzel (Chicken Fingers)

This chicken recipe came to me last night. 
I was scrolling the isles at Trader Joe’s, because, well you know, that’s what you do at Trader Joe’s. I hadn’t been there in a while but I needed a stock up of fresh fruits and vegetables, and they are considerably cheaper then some of the stores around here.
Low and behold, I found fresh string beans, trimmed and cleaned, beautiful, toasted almonds, very cheap, cut up butternut squash, adorable, baby potato’s and our favorite, chili lime chips.
I came home and took chicken breasts out of the freezer. As the day proceeded, I began to play around with my dinner ideas in my head.
This is what I came up with.
Gila Glassberg
Gila Glassberg,MS, RD, CDN
Corn Flake Chili Lime Shnitzel (Chicken Fingers)

Corn Flake Chili Lime Shnitzel (Chicken Fingers) Ingredients:

2 TBSP Ketchup

Mix them all together and add the chicken fingers and this sauce into a zip lock bag. Shake until all the chicken is evenly coated.

In a separate bowl, add 1/2 cup of cornflake crumbs and 1/2 cup of chili lime chips (crushed up).

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Place 2 TBSP of oil on the cookie sheet and spread it out evenly.

Take each piece of chicken and dip it in the breading. Place it along the cookie sheet. When finished, drizzle with honey and spray with pam. 

Cook of 400 degrees for about 20 minutes.


Corn Flake Chili Lime Shnitzel (Chicken Fingers)

Gila Glassberg is a Master's level registered dietitian and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. As a teenager, she was faced with constant diet talk, body shaming and obsessive guilt around food. She struggled with disordered eating. This is what propelled her into the field of nutrition. She uses a non-diet, weight-neutral approach called Intuitive Eating. She helps growth oriented women break out of chronic dieting, and regain clarity into what is really important to them.