Mommy's Gefilte Fish

Full disclosure- I don’t like gefilte fish. I have never tasted this. Sorry! However, everyone who tries this recipe- loves it and wants the recipe. Also, from what I hear, gefilte fish is classic but it can also be boring. Here is a quick and easy way to elevate your gefilte fish, it looks really fancy when plating, and it's very simple to make! This is also one of my Mom’s recipe and I always feel connected with her when I make it and when I share it!
Gila Glassberg
Gila Glassberg,MS, RD, CDN
Mommy's Gefilte Fish

Mommy's Gefilte Fish Ingredients:

1 loaf of frozen gefilte fish (keep paper on)
2 carrots 
2 stalks of celery 
3 garlic cloves
1 onion
2 TBSP olive oil
salt and pepper to taste


Saute the veggies until they are nice a soft with a bit of color on them, about 20 minutes. Continue to stir so they don't burn.

Make a slit in the middle of the gefilte fish (through the paper). Add the veggies right on top. 

Cook covered on 350 for 1.5 hours, and uncovered for 15 minutes. 

Everyone will love!

Mommy's Gefilte Fish

Gila Glassberg is a Master's level registered dietitian and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. As a teenager, she was faced with constant diet talk, body shaming and obsessive guilt around food. She struggled with disordered eating. This is what propelled her into the field of nutrition. She uses a non-diet, weight-neutral approach called Intuitive Eating. She helps growth oriented women break out of chronic dieting, and regain clarity into what is really important to them.